Red Party at Hungarian Embassy

English text follows Japanese.

そのパプリカの赤さにちなんで夏の暑さを吹き飛ばずRED PARTYをハンガリー大使館で開催します。


2)パプリカ料理に合うハンガリーのワインに加え、グッチ創業家の4代目グッチオ・グッチ氏プロデュースによる赤ワインも提供します。「最上の伝統・最上の品質」をライフ・スタイルのあらゆる側面で感じられるよう表現 していきたいと考えていた氏が着目したのがトスカーナのワイン。グッチ家の伝統を護りながらフィレンツェの文化を発信していくGIOIAワインをお楽しみ下さい。

3)世界のトップドレスを日本に紹介するDress Worldが赤いドレスを中心にファッションショーを行います。ハンガリー国旗の他の2色である白と緑のドレスも加えたゴージャスなショーをさらに引き立たせるのがファインジュエリーのAlexandra Alberta。英国で新進デザイナーコレクションのトップ5にも選ばれた美しいアイテムにご注目下さい。

4)ハリウッドの権威ある映画評論ウェブサイトが21世紀最高のファイトシーンに選んだのがタランティーノ監督によるKill Billにおけるザ・ブライドの格闘シーン。ユマ・サーマンや栗山千明などへの殺陣の指導に加え自らもMIKIという役で出演したのが剱伎衆かむゐのリーダー、島口哲朗が今回のイベントでは赤い鎧に身を固め世界中で賞賛されるSamurai Sword Aristパフォーマンスを披露します。

また4月のSpring Partyでも最も旬で最新の素晴らしい楽曲と、古くから愛されている名曲をクロスオーバさせながら最高の瞬間を生み出してくれたDJ Takaaki Moriも出演します。




The theme of this party at Hungarian Embassy is red, the color of paprika which is the indispensable ingredient for Hungarian cuisine.

Mr. Gergo Racz, the chef of the embassy, will prepare exquisite dishes with paprika.
Paprika is not just a spice that adds color, but is also rich in vitamin C and carotenoids, providing a variety of health and beauty benefits.

Besides Hungarian wine that perfectly matches paprika dishes we will serve Italian wine produced by Mr. Guccio Gucci, the fourth generation of Gucci family. Please enjoy the finest Toscana wine that epitomize Mr. Gucci’s passion for “the best tradition and the best quality”.

Dress World will present a dress fashion show with the theme of red. The show will also include Green and white, the other two colors of Hungarian national flag.
Collaborating with World Dress is Alexandra Alberta whose Baroque jewelry collection was named Top 5 “Emerging Designer” Collections in the U.K. Color is her passion and she uses gemstones to inject vibrancy to her designs.

A movie website has chosen the fight scene of The Bride in Tarantino’s KILL BILL as No.1 fight scene of the 21st century movies. Tetsuro Shimaguchi choreographed the scene and coached Uma Thurman for the use of samurai sword. The leader of Kamui, a samurai sword performance group will make a special appearance at the party, wearing a red samurai armor.

An ex-editor-in-chief of a magazine focused on hotels and restaurant, Mr. Mori is a well-known food critic but his passion for music led him to play DJ at various upscale events. He will play happy dance tunes at the party.
DJ Takaaki Mori will play as well with his unique style of mixing classic music with the latest sounds.
You can also enjoy the live music by Sayaka Yamashita (piano) and Saki Tsutsui (violin).

The best dressers will receive a bottle of wine and a roll of Hungarian salami.

* For the security reason, you must purchase an advanced ticket to join the party.
* We limit the number of guests to 80. Please get your ticket at your earliest convenience.
* Ticket price includes the free buffet and three drinks.
* We don’t accept a cancellation of ticket once it is purchased.
* Dress code is red.
